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Re: Hams at Debian Day?

pa3aba@debian.org (Joop Stakenborg) writes:

> > With sufficient interest, I'd give an overview of ham radio, the
> > long-time connection between computers, protocols and ham radio, do some
> > general explanation about contests and then introduce the distribution,
> > its goals, target group and background on the usage of Linux in ham
> > radio in general, if that's OK with you.

Make sure to point out that both Bruce Perens and I were initially attracted
to Debian because of our interest in ham radio and the desire to use Linux
in that context...  My talk this Friday night at the Dayton Hamvention will
provide more detail on that, and I'll probably talk about it again some at
the debconf2 conference in July.

73 - Bdale, KB0G

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