Re: Hams at Debian Day?
On 15 May 2002, Bdale Garbee wrote:
> Make sure to point out that both Bruce Perens and I were initially attracted
> to Debian because of our interest in ham radio and the desire to use Linux
> in that context...
As were many others, as I'm sure you will find out if you scratch the
surface ever so slightly. (Myself included; and all my immediate
initial contacts in the Linux world.) Many of us came via our use of
KA9Q-NOS, too. In the early days, I used both concurrently. (I still
have a 386 set up with a KA9Q-NOS derivative for emergency access to
e-mail.) You can tell where our origins lie, as the operator's desk is
immediately recognisable as a shack, rather than a computer room :)
Martin Wheeler <> gpg key 01269BEB @
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