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Re: Message from Rein

* Bob Nielsen <nielsen@oz.net> [2002 Apr 29 20:52 -0500]:
> I have taken a look at rigctl and it appears to still need quite a bit
> of work.  Some of the functions in the man page do not work at all,
> like 'rigctl --list' which supposedly gives a list of supported
> radios, but instead returns "rigctl: unrecognized option --list'". 
> This is with version 1.1.2-5 in woody.  I haven't looked to see
> if anything newer exists, but will do so.  I have a Kenwood TS-570D(G)
> and the control functions are quite well documented in the manual.

Hi Bob.

I believe rigctl is mostly a tool Stephane and the other developers use
to test rig capabilities, but is not a general use rig control program.
A note to Stephane on the hamlib mailing list (hosted at
http://sf.net/projects/hamlib/ ) would clarify this.

1.1.2 is the latest "release" but the CVS version is way beyond that.
Stephane has hinted for a few months that 1.1.3 would be released RSN.

73, de Nate >>

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