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Re: do not delete gnome-1

Loïc Minier <lool+debian@via.ecp.fr> writes:

> On Tue, Sep 27, 2005, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
>> This is inappropriate.  There are still gnome-1 programs in Debian.
>> The upstream developers are converting to gnome-2 as soon as they can,
>> but they aren't ready yet.
>  And what if they never do the switch?  We can't keep GNOME 1 forever.

If you cannot maintain them any longer, then you should orphan them.
This is always appropriate.  In fact, it's necessary.  When you cannot
maintain or do not wish to maintain a package, orphan it.

This is such a simple thing, I don't know why it so often causes such
struggles.  There is no need to declare whether *other* people should
maintain it or not.  If you don't want to, then don't.  Declare it
orphaned, and be done with it.  You have no further responsibilities.

Or, if you wish, continue to maintain it.  All I'm saying is, don't
delete packages still in active use.

As I said, "they are converting to gnome-2 as soon as they can".
Are you aware of the current level of gnucash development work?  If
not, then you are in no place to predict.  As it happens, *I* am in
touch with upstream and I *do* know the details.

>  Not only will you be Maintainer, but also upstream.  It's hard to
>  measure how big and how many packages there are.

It is not for you to declare what *other* people wish to maintain.  If
you do not or cannot maintain it any longer, then orphan it.

>  While it is generous for our users to offer your time to maintain old
>  software, I'm not sure you're really doing them a favor with respect to
>  bug fixes, and I'm not sure keeping so many old packages won't pressure
>  the release team and the security team: in the end, it also hurts
>  non-GNOME 1 users.

This is nonsense.  If you do not wish to maintain them, don't.  Wash
your hands of it.  Be done!  Orphan! 

STOP making me explain over and over to each gnome maintainer why they
should STEP OUT OUT THE F*CKING WAY and either orphan a package or
continue maintenance.


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