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Re: ubuntu modifications

On Fri, 08 Oct 2004 11:56:29 +0200, "Sebastien Bacher"
<seb128@debian.org> said:
> Le vendredi 08 octobre 2004 à 11:31 +0200, Michael Banck a écrit :
> > Why does it make sense for Ubuntu to divert from upstream code then?
> Who is going to take the decision to divert from upstream code in
> Debian ? A company can decide to make some structural changes and
> branding but I think that Debian (and Gentoo, Slackware, ...) should not
> take such decisions but rather respect the upstream code and provide a
> stock gnome. 
> If we don't do this we will end in an endless situation: Why not
> respection upstream choices ? Why not picking the Ximian changes instead
> of the ubuntu ones ? Why not the Redhat ones ? ...

Surely our decisions should be based on what serves our users better. If
another source has patches that we feel would serve our users better,
then why not use them? This is what happens with a lot of packages. Then
of course if we do use paches its *in our interest* to upstream them,
and do what work is considered necessary for upstreaming, but this isn't
a necessary condition.

Of course in this case the point is moot as we can't use these
modifications until they're fully translated, and for that to happen
effectively they'd need to be upstreamed. =)

Rob Taylor

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