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Re: no video thumbnails again


Shot (Piotr Szotkowski):

> I think the catch is that the thumbnails are missing
> for the video/x-msvideo format, while the GConf key is
> /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/video@msvideo - without the "x-".
> How can I (should I?) add the missing GConf branch (../video@x-msvideo)?
> I can't find the option for adding branches in gconf-editor.

Ok, I managed to add a "video@x-msvideo/enable" boolean field to the
/desktop/gnome/thumbnailers tree and after a restart of gconf-editor
I had a video@x-msvideo branch with the confirm field, so I added the
command field (with "/usr/bin/gnome-video-thumbnailer %u %o" value)
and after a logout video/x-msvideo files started getting thumbnails.

I added the video@mpeg, video@quicktime and video@x-ms-asf branches in
the same manner (each with an "enable" field set to true and the above
"command" field) and everything seems to work again.

Ccing the BTS.

-- Shot
             I saw 'cout' being shifted 'Hello world' times to the
             left and stopped right there.        -- Steve Gonedes
================================================ http://shot.pl/hovercraft/ ===

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