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Re: xterm colors / sawfish fonts


Christian Marillat <marillat.christian@wanadoo.fr> writes:

> Walt Reed <debian@linuxguy.com> writes:
> [...]
> > IMHO, debian should NOT enable this behavior by default, or should at
> > least have a debconf question that allows users to enable it. This kind
> This is not possible, nothing is configurable.

The behaviour (setting Xresources) may be not configurable, but the
value of Xresources set should be.

I just commented out all the text in the files at 
(a "!" at the begining of each line), and my applications recovered
their old look. Unfortunatelly this change will be lost at next upgrade,
since they are not conffiles.

An easy way would be 

.- /usr/share/control-center-2.0/xrdb/* are soft links to somewhere in
/etc/ , and the files in /etc are conffiles.

.- A note on /usr/share/doc/gnome-control-center/README.Debian
explaining the subject. (I have read that interactive debconf questions
should be kept to a minimum).

but maybe this has a lot of problems which prevent this implementation,
since I am not a developer I can not judge the problems myself.

Best regards,


Please answer to the group/list. Don't CC me.

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