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Re: G2.2 (woody backport): nautilus - "use home as desktop" option gone from gconf-editor

Mario Vukelic wrote:

Yeah we know, but that adds a whole new stratum of options to the thing.
So far we'd got
a) options available in the standard-GUI
b) options available in gconf-editor

And now, additionally,
c) options that would be available in gconf-editor if the keys were set,
but can be added via command line anyway

Well, b) and c) are the same thing anyway. You can set and add additional keys using both the gconf-editor and the gconf command line tool.

Typical users can change their settings via a) and they won't know and care what they're missing (in terms of hidden prefs). "Power users" and systems administrators can change settings via either b) or c). I imagine it will be easier to use b) for tweaking and occasional settings changes and c) for bulk and/or automated changes.

How does one know which options should be b) and which c), and is it a
bug if it's only c)?

Is it really that much of a problem? They all do the same thing in the end...

Mike Gratton <mike@vee.net>
  I want you to know, he's not coming back.
  Blatant self-promotion: <http://web.vee.net/>

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