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GNOME 1 ABI involving libpng

reassign 158165 gnome-libs

OK, we have Christian not even reading my messages and simply saying
"Everyone else has jumped off a bridge!  You haven't!  Jump off the bridge
already!".  I'm not interested in jumping off bridges without any reason
given, or in general.

Can someone give me at least ONE reason why we should be breaking the
ABI of GNOME 1 (which has been the same since at least GNOME 1.0 as
far as PNG goes), and introducing incompatibilty with third party
binaries and other distributions?  GNOME 1 is in maintenance only mode
upstream, and even that is slowing/stopping as resources are dedicated
to GNOME 2.

I'm asking for a reason for this breakage.  The only one people have given
seems to be "I want to have gnome1 and gnome2 dev packages installed
side-by-side!" which really shouldn't be an issue as neither imlib nor
gdk-pixbuf -dev packages depend on a png library.  The _only_ GNOME 1
library that directly links (and uses) libpng that I know of is
libgtkxmhtml1, which is not used by much at all, so this isn't a reason
to break our ABI from what we have used in our own previous distros
and in use by every other distro at this point.

Can anyone give me this reason?  Otherwise, I suggest we rebuild GNOME 1
with libpng2, and leave it be.  The GNOME 2 transition "plan" seems to
be to ship with only GNOME 2 (binaries at least, the libs from 1 may still
be around for some applications that aren't ported to GNOME 2 by release)
in sarge, and if that's the case, we have no reason to break the ABI before
the release.

Christian, if you are going to reassign this bug yet again with no reason
given other than everyone jumping off the bridge, the correct package to
reassign to is "tech-ctte", and we'll sit here with this broken setup for
a few months while someone works out if we care about our users using
binary-only non-free software.  I think the social contract is rather
clear on this point, but maybe I'm wrong.

dancerj, what's the status of #155892 with upstream?  Is this going to be
considered/applied there, or do we have to deal with it in other ways?

Another thing that would help is a change to glib's module support to
allow loading without RTLD_GLOBAL, which, IMHO, for the image loading
plugins is probably a good idea.  Both imlib and gdk-pixbuf's loaders currently
use the module support from glib.

Ryan Murray, Debian Developer (rmurray@cyberhqz.com, rmurray@debian.org)
The opinions expressed here are my own.

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