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Re: graphical apt, trials and tribulations

On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 07:45:19PM -0700, Seth Nickell wrote:
> But right now I'm more interested in ideas people have about allowing
> dpkg to be split into a libdpkg that gives feedback as it installs and a
> dpkg command-line frontend (much as the split between libapt-pkg and
> apt-get happens today). This is really critical to providing the user
> with feedback during the install process. Right now we get nice feedback
> as the packages are downloading and during setup to some extent, but
> almost no feedback while the (potentially rather long) dpkg process
> itself is occurring. I just say "Installing packages", but you really
> should tell the user more for such a long operation.

Um. Can't you just popen() dpkg (or apt-get) and read from it as it's
running, parsing the output to decide what's happening? Just because
it's a separate process should have no bearing on whether you can get
feedback, unless I'm missing something quite considerable ...

Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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