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Re: GNOME-2 transition: a first complaint

<quote who="Marek Habersack">

> Oh well... :) He sounds a bit bitter and disappointed... Although I don't
> fully agree with what he wrote, I guess there's nothing to do but to
> accept the decision.

He's just tired... It's *very* hard being the maintainer of a hugely popular
piece of software. He has a new job, and handling the audience that GNOME
has is not really his greatest interest at this point.

> As long as the options are settable anywhere, I'm fine with it :)).

Which options do you "need" and why? GNOME is not continuing down it's old
path of having fifty million unique preferences and no consensus on sensible

> Hmm, another question has just popped up in my mind. Looking at the lack
> of the window manager configuration applet in the control panel and
> reading some messages here and there I've gotten the impression that GNOME
> is aiming at tight window manager integration with the desktop (kind of
> the KDE one) - is that true or is it just my (incorrect) impression?

We're definitely aiming for tight integration (why wouldn't we?) but there's
no one standing in the way of (whilst there's plenty of people interested
in) an advanced window manager selection capplet (it would probably end up
in the Preferred Applications capplet).

Most of your questions would be best answered on GNOME's desktop-devel-list,
rather than the Debian package maintainer's list.

- Jeff

    "Stay away from my house, you freak! Can't you see that everyone is     
             buying station wagons?" - Neal Stephenson, ITBWTCL             

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