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Re: Help uploading a new version of kxd
Shengjing Zhu
Re: Help uploading a new version of kxd
Alberto Bertogli
Re: Help uploading a new version of kxd
Alberto Bertogli
ITP: kel-agent -- An agent program for translating between amateur radio installed programs and WebSockets
Chris Keller
Bug#973761: ITP: golang-github-xtls-go -- go library of xTLS
Roger Shimizu
Bug#973828: ITP: golang-github-ianbruene-go-difflib -- partial port of Python difflib package to Go
Anthony Fok
Bug#973993: ITP: golang-github-profclems-go-dotenv -- A minimalist library for reading and atomically writing .env configuration files in Go
Bug#973994: ITP: golang-github-profclems-go-dotenv -- A minimalist library for reading and atomically writing .env configuration files in Go
Bump spf13/pflags to latest git commit
El boulangero
Bug#974547: ITP: golang-github-adam-hanna-arrayoperations -- Small library for performing union, intersect, difference and distinct operations on slices in golang
Stephen Gelman
Bug#974753: ITP: golang-honnef-go-tools -- Collection of golang tools and libraries
Pirate Praveen
Bug#974862: ITP: golang-gocloud -- The Go Cloud Development Kit (Go CDK)
Pirate Praveen
Bug#974867: ITP: golang-github-minio-md5-simd -- Accelerate aggregated MD5 hashing performance up to 8x for AVX512 and 4x for AVX2. Useful for server applications that need to compute many MD5 sums in parallel.
Félix Sipma
RFS for golang-github-minio-md5-simd
Félix Sipma
Bug#974928: ITP: golang-github-thedevsaddam-gojsonq -- A simple Go package to Query over JSON/YAML/XML/CSV Data
Martina Ferrari
Bug#974929: ITP: golang-mvdan-xurls -- Extract urls from text
Shengjing Zhu
Bug#974930: ITP: golang-mvdan-gofumpt -- A stricter gofmt
Shengjing Zhu
Bug#974934: RFP: golang-github-ncabatoff-go-seq -- sequence Go values to allow sorting them
Guillem Jover
Bug#974935: RFP: golang-github-ncabatoff-fakescraper -- scrape Prometheus metrics from inside the app
Guillem Jover
FYI: golang-procfs rename
Martina Ferrari
help with building gitaly with hardening enabled
Pirate Praveen
Re: help with building gitaly with hardening enabled
Shengjing Zhu
Re: help with building gitaly with hardening enabled
Pirate Praveen
golang-1.11-go and go.mod
Jeremy C. Reed
Re: golang-1.11-go and go.mod
Shengjing Zhu
Bug#975280: ITP: prometheus-mqtt-exporter -- Prometheus exporter for metrics sent via MQTT topics
Martina Ferrari
Bug#975317: ITP: golang-github-nrdcg-desec -- Go library for accessing the deSEC API.
Félix Sipma
RFS for golang-github-nrdcg-desec
Félix Sipma
Bug#975341: ITP: golang-github-nbio-st -- st - Simple Test micro-framework for Go
Félix Sipma
Bug#975342: ITP: golang-github-h2non-parth -- Path parsing for segment unmarshaling and slicing.
Félix Sipma
RFS for golang-github-nbio-st
Félix Sipma
RFS for golang-github-h2non-parth
Félix Sipma
Bug#975345: ITP: golang-gopkg-h2non-gock.v1 -- HTTP traffic mocking and testing made easy in Go
Félix Sipma
Bug#975346: ITP: golang-github-akamai-akamaiopen-edgegrid-golang -- This library implements an Authentication handler for the Akamai OPEN EdgeGrid Authentication scheme
Félix Sipma
RFS for golang-gopkg-h2non-gock.v1
Félix Sipma
Bug#975366: ITP: golang-github-mendersoftware-progressbar -- Minimal progressbar used in Mender projects
Lluis Campos
RFS for golang-github-akamai-akamaiopen-edgegrid-golang
Félix Sipma
ITP: wsjtx-go -- Golang binding for the WSJT-X amateur radio software's UDP interface
Chris Keller
ITP: golang-github-leemcloughlin-jdn -- Julian Day Numbers for Golang Go
Chris Keller
Bug#975599: ITP: golang-github-manifoldco-promptui -- Interactive prompt for command-line applications
Reinhard Tartler
ITP: golang-github-iancoleman-orderedmap -- is a map where the keys keep the order that they're added
Marcelo Jorge Vieira
ITP: golang-github-kong-go-kong -- Go binding for Kong's admin API
Marcelo Jorge Vieira
ITP: decK -- Declarative configuration for Kong
Marcelo Jorge Vieira
ITP: golang-github-alecthomas-jsonschema -- Generate JSON Schemas from Go types
Marcelo Jorge Vieira
Access Request Go Packaging Team
Marcelo Jorge Vieira
The last update was on 04:00 GMT Fri Nov 27. There are 45 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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