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Bug#955609: ITP: golang-github-valyala-tcplisten -- Customizable TCP net.Listener for Go
Alois Micard
Bug#955611: ITP: golang-github-valyala-fasthttp -- Fast HTTP package for Go. Tuned for high performance.
Alois Micard
Re: RFS: golang-github-jfrog-gofrog/1.0.5-1 [ITP] -- Gofrog collection of go utilities (library)
Fixing Uscan failed: Filename pattern missing version delimiters () without filenamemangle
Tong Sun
Dep14 Workflow - how to deal with no upstream releases
Tong Sun
Re: Dep14 Workflow - how to deal with no upstream releases
Tong Sun
Re: Fixing Uscan failed: Filename pattern missing version delimiters () without filenamemangle
Tong Sun
Re: RFS: golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil
Tong Sun
Re: RFS: golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil
Tong Sun
Re: RFS: golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil
Utkarsh Gupta
Re: RFS: golang-github-tonistiigi-fsutil
Tong Sun
Bug#956072: ITP: golang-github-viant-assertly -- Arbitraty datastructure validation
Alois Micard
Bug#956075: ITP: golang-github-viant-toolbox -- Toolbox - go utility library
Alois Micard
Re: Taking over an abandoned package
Arnaud Rebillout
Re: Taking over an abandoned package
Tong Sun
Bug#956303: ITP: apkparser -- APK manifest & resources parsing in Golang.
Hans-Christoph Steiner
Bug#956340: ITP: golang-github-scylladb-termtables -- Fork of
Alois Micard
Bug#956343: ITP: dateparse -- GoLang Parse many date strings without knowing format in advance
Alois Micard
Bug#956388: ITP: golang-github-avast-apkverifier -- APK Signature verification in Go. Supports scheme v1, v2 and v3 and passes Google apksig's testing suite.
Hans-Christoph Steiner
RFH: golang-github-danverbraganza-varcaser new release
Tong Sun
Re: RFH: golang-github-danverbraganza-varcaser new release
Tong Sun
Bug#956463: ITP: golang-github-la5nta-wl2k-go -- A Winlink framework for Go
Taowa Munene-Tardif
RFS: golang-github-la5nta-wl2k-go -- winlink framework library for Go
Taowa Munene-Tardif
RFS: golang-github-bndr-gotabulate
Taowa Munene-Tardif
Done: RFS: golang-github-{bndr-gotabulate, la5nta-wl2k-go}
Taowa Munene-Tardif
Bug#956494: ITP: golang-github-bndr-gotabulate -- Gotabulate - Easily pretty-print your tabular data with Go
Taowa Munene-Tardif
Bug#956547: ITP: golang-github-harenber-ptc-go -- A driver for SCS PACTOR modems for Pat
Taowa Munene-Tardif
Bug#956628: ITP: golang-github-microcosm-cc-bluemonday -- Go library for scrubbing user generated data of unapproved html
Taowa Munene-Tardif
Bug#956634: ITP: golang-github-pd0mz-go-maidenhead -- Maidenhead Locator system in Golang
Taowa Munene-Tardif
Bug#956744: RM: golang-github-rsc-letsencrypt -- ROM; obsolete
Dmitry Smirnov
RFS for golang-github-miolini-datacounter
Re: RFS for golang-github-miolini-datacounter
Pirate Praveen
Re: RFS for golang-github-miolini-datacounter
Pirate Praveen
Bug#956906: ITP: golang-gopkg-gorp.v1 -- Go Relational Persistence - an ORM-ish library for Go
Pirate Praveen
Bug#956909: ITP: golang-github-cilium-ebpf -- eBPF Library for Go
Shengjing Zhu
RFS for golang-github-kyoh86-xdg
Karthik కార్తిక్
Re: RFS for golang-github-kyoh86-xdg
Pirate Praveen
ITP: golang-github-davecgh-go-spew -- Implements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to aid in debugging
Manas Kashyap
Re: ITP: golang-github-davecgh-go-spew -- Implements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to aid in debugging
Shengjing Zhu
Bug#956938: RFP: irccat -- cat to IRC
Antoine Beaupre
Bug#956957: ITP: seaweedfs -- highly scalable distributed file system
Dmitry Smirnov
RFS for golang-github-emersion-go-sasl
Re: RFS for golang-github-emersion-go-sasl
Pirate Praveen
RFS for golang-github-emersion-go-smtp
Re: RFS for golang-github-emersion-go-smtp
Pirate Praveen
dh-make-golang and README in description
Pirate Praveen
Re: dh-make-golang and README in description
Alexandre Viau
Bug#958033: ITP: golang-github-rubenv-sql-migrate -- SQL schema migration tool for Go
Pirate Praveen
RFS for golang-github-emersion-go-maildir
RFS for golang-github-emersion-go-message
Re: RFS for golang-github-emersion-go-message
Pirate Praveen
RFS for golang-github-martinlindhe-base36
Re: RFS for golang-github-martinlindhe-base36
Pirate Praveen
ITP: golang-github-riywo-loginshell -- A golang library to get the login shell of the current user.
RFS for golang-github-riywo-loginshell
Re: RFS for golang-github-riywo-loginshell
Pirate Praveen
Issue with creating package using using dh-make-golang from unknown git hosts
Karthik కార్తిక్
Re: Issue with creating package using using dh-make-golang from unknown git hosts
Pirate Praveen
Re: Issue with creating package using using dh-make-golang from unknown git hosts
Shengjing Zhu
Bug#958162: ITP: golang-github-viant-afs -- Abstract File Storage
Alois Micard
Bug#958164: ITP: golang-github-josharian-intern -- Intern Go strings
Alois Micard
Bug#958168: ITP: golang-github-viant-afsc -- Abstract File Storage Connectors
Alois Micard
Bug#958181: ITP: golang-github-viant-afsc -- Abstract File Storage Connectors
Alois Micard
Bug#958303: ITP: golang-github-containers-ocicrypt -- Encryption libraries for Encrypted OCI Container images
Reinhard Tartler
Bug#958306: ITP: golang-github-fullsailor-pkcs7 -- Implements a subset of PKCS#7/Crytpographic Message Syntax (rfc2315, rfc5652)
Reinhard Tartler
Bug#958370: golang-github-dgrijalva-jwt-go-v3: Remove this package from archive
Shengjing Zhu
Where to download Barnard from?
Pawel Loba
Bug#958417: new upstream version available
Antoine Beaupre
Bug#958426: ITP: golang-github-containers-common -- Location for shared common files in repos.
Reinhard Tartler
RFS for golang-fyne-fyne
Karthik కార్తిక్
Bug#958563: ITP: shellescape -- Escape arbitrary strings for use as command line arguments
Bradford D. Boyle
Bug#958567: ITP: barnard -- barnard is a terminal-based client for the Mumble voice chat software
Bradford D. Boyle
RFS for shellescape
Bradford Boyle
Bug#958847: ITP: golang-github-bmmcginty-go-openal -- OpenAL bindings for Go.
Bradford D. Boyle
Bug#958854: ITP: golang-github-kennygrant-sanitize -- Package sanitize provides functions for sanitizing text in golang strings.
Bradford D. Boyle
Bug#958860: ITP: golang-layeh-gopus -- gopus is a Go binding for the Opus audio codec
Bradford D. Boyle
RFS for golang-github-bmmcginty-go-openal
Bradford Boyle
RFS for golang-github-kennygrant-sanitize
Bradford Boyle
RFS for golang-layeh-gopus
Bradford Boyle
RFS for barnard
Bradford Boyle
RFS: aerc -- The world's best E-Mail client
Ben Fiedler
Bug#959012: ITP: golang-github-moby-sys -- Library to parse mount info and mount filesystems
Shengjing Zhu
Bug#959032: ITP: alertmanager-irc-relay -- Send Prometheus Alerts to IRC using Webhooks
Filippo Giunchedi
Bug#959033: ITP: golang-github-fluffle-goirc -- Event-based stateful IRC client framework for Go.
Filippo Giunchedi
Bug#959204: ITP: rootlesskit -- Linux-native "fake root" for rootless containers
Shengjing Zhu
The last update was on 19:00 GMT Thu Apr 30. There are 85 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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