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GDAL 1.11.3/2.0.1

With the release of GDAL 1.11.3 & 2.0.1 we need to determine which is
most suitable for the next transition.

As mentioned in the GDAL/OGR 1.11.2 thread [0], merkaartor was known not
to work with GDAL 2.0 but that has been fixed in the recent update to
0.18.2 which is now available in unstable.

I didn't want to wait for the rebuild results by Amedeo, and I found
some time to do a round of rebuilds with GDAL 2.0.1. The results show
that it's not a very suitable candidate for transition yet, a number of
packages need changes to build successfully.

We should probably go for GDAL 1.11.3 instead and get that transition
started as soon as possible. I'll file the transition bug after a round
of rebuilds with 1.11.3.

The summary of the build failures with GDAL 2.0.1 is included below.
I'll have a more extensive look at those and try to provide a more
helpful suggestion or even a patch using the migration guide [1] in the
bugreports to be filed for them.

If anyone wants to help with the GDAL 2.0 transition, creating patches
for these build failures is very much appreciated.

[0] https://lists.debian.org/debian-gis/2015/08/msg00121.html
[1] https://svn.osgeo.org/gdal/branches/2.0/gdal/MIGRATION_GUIDE.TXT

fiona (1.6.2-1) FTBFS due to test failures, whereas it builds
successfully with GDAL 1.11.2. This needs further investigation.

gazebo (5.0.1+dfsg-2.1) FTBFS due to issues unrelated to GDAL (#797809 &
#793242). Since the package is sid-only we don't have to worry much
about it.

mysql-workbench (6.3.4+dfsg-1) FTBFS due to a linking issue, it doesn't
seem related to GDAL, it also FTBFS with plain unstable.

openscenegraph (3.2.1-7) FTBFS due to missing compatibility with

 error: 'Open' is not a member of 'OGRSFDriverRegistrar'

There is some discussion about GDAL 2.0 support on the OSG forum:


And this change in SVN seems to fix the OGRSFDriverRegistrar issue:


The GDAL/OGR 2.0 support in OpenSceneGraph is required to unblock the
rebuilds of osgEarth & QGIS.

osrm (4.7.1-2) FTBFS because of incompatibility with GDAL 2.0 too,

 error: invalid conversion from 'GDALDriver*' to 'OGRSFDriver*'

pprepair (0.0~20150323-6284890-2) FTBFS due to GDAL 2.0 incompatibility,

 error: 'Open' is not a member of 'OGRSFDriverRegistrar'
 error: 'class GDALDriver' has no member named 'GetName'
 error: invalid conversion from 'GDALDriver*' to 'OGRSFDriver*'

prepair (0.7-3) FTBFS with the same conversion error as pprepair:

 error: invalid conversion from 'GDALDriver*' to 'OGRSFDriver*'

sumo (0.23.0+dfsg1-2) FTBFS due to one of the issues also affecting

 error: 'Open' is not a member of 'OGRSFDriverRegistrar'

vtk6 (6.2.0+dfsg1-4) FTBFS due to the same issue:

 error: 'Open' is not a member of 'OGRSFDriverRegistrar'

osmcoastline (2.1.1-1) FTBFS due to the same conversion issue as prepair
& pprepair:

 error: invalid conversion from 'GDALDriver*' to 'OGRSFDriver*'

pktools (2.6.4-3) FTBFS due to the common conversion and Open issues too:

 error: 'Open' is not a member of 'OGRSFDriverRegistrar'
 error: invalid conversion from 'GDALDriver*' to 'OGRSFDriver*'

Transition: gdal

 libgdal1i (1.11.2+dfsg-3) -> libgdal20 (2.0.1-1~exp1)
 libgdal.so.1-1.11.2       -> gdal-abi-2-0-1

The status of the most recent rebuilds is as follows.

 dans-gdal-scripts (0.23-4)                           OK
 fiona             (1.6.2-1)                          FTBFS
 gazebo            (5.0.1+dfsg-2.1)                   FTBFS
 gmt               (5.1.2+dfsg1-2)                    OK
 imposm            (2.6.0+ds-2)                       OK
 libcitygml        (2.0-1)                            OK
 liblas            (1.8.0-5)                          OK
 libosmium         (2.4.1-3)                          OK
 mapcache          (1.4.0-4)                          OK
 mapnik            (3.0.7+ds-4)                       OK
 mapserver         (7.0.0-5)                          OK
 merkaartor        (0.18.2-1)                         OK
 mysql-workbench   (6.3.4+dfsg-1)                     FTBFS
 ncl               (6.3.0-4~exp2)                     OK
 node-srs          (0.4.8+dfsg-2)                     OK
 openscenegraph    (3.2.1-7)                          FTBFS
 osmium            (0.0~20150428-7f23002-2)           OK
 osrm              (4.7.1-2)                          FTBFS
 postgis           (2.1.8+dfsg-4 / 2.2.0+dfsg-1~exp1) OK / OK
 pprepair          (0.0~20150323-6284890-2)           FTBFS
 prepair           (0.7-3)                            FTBFS
 qlandkartegt      (1.8.1+ds-2)                       OK
 qmapshack         (1.3.1-1)                          OK
 rasterio          (0.28.0-1)                         OK
 saga              (2.2.1+dfsg-1)                     OK
 sumo              (0.23.0+dfsg1-2)                   FTBFS
 thuban            (1.2.2-8)                          OK
 vtk6              (6.2.0+dfsg1-4)                    FTBFS
 xastir            (2.0.6-4)                          OK

 grass             (7.0.1-2)                          OK
 osgearth          (2.5.0+dfsg-7 / 2.7.0+dfsg-1~exp4) TODO / TODO
 osmcoastline      (2.1.1-1)                          FTBFS
 pktools           (2.6.4-3)                          FTBFS
 pyosmium          (2.4.1-2)                          OK

 libgdal-grass     (1.11.2-1 / 2.0.1-1~exp1)          FTBFS / OK
 qgis              (2.8.3+dfsg-3)                     TODO

Kind Regards,


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