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[DebianGIS] Re: postgis deb

[Alex Bodnaru]
> thanks for your help and interest,

One thing I am wondering about, is who of you are going to use the
Debian GIS source repository to maintain the package.  As far as I can
see, the postgis directory in CVS repository
:ext:cvs.alioth.debian.org:/cvsroot/pkg-grass is populated with build
rules imported by Paul Wise 2006-03-22, and none of the people
currently working on the postgis package seem to use this
infrastructure.  Are any of you planning to use the Debian GIS source

If not, I suspect we are better off in the long term by finding some
maintainer of postgis which is willing to maintain the package as part
of the Debian GIS group.  The postgis package is obviously not very
easy to maintain, and it is thus better to let all those interested in
maintaining it share a common source repository and maintain it as far
of the Debian GIS group.

To get access to the Alioth repository, contact the project maintainer
Francesco Lovergine and tell him your alioth user name.  He is frankie
on the #geo IRC channel on OFTC.

I know I have asked for this to happen several times, so it saddens me
to see that the postgis build rules in CVS are still outdated.

Petter Reinholdtsen

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