Re: Q: lilo avec windows /dev/hdc
david wrote:
> Ca doit etre explique quelquepart dans la doc de lilo ( /usr/doc/lilo/...)
Je viens de le trouver, c'est expliqué dans '/usr/doc/lilo/INCOMPAT' :
Incompatibilities between LILO >= 20 and earlier versions
Special chain loaders
The functionality of the chain loaders any_b.b and any_d.b has been
generalized and integrated into chain.b. any_b.b and any_d.b are
therefore no longer supported. Their behaviour can be emulated as
other = foo
loader = /boot/any_d.b
other = foo
map-drive = 0x80
to = 0x81
map-drive = 0x81
to = 0x80
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