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Re: fonts-sil-awami-nastaliq_2.000-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

On 2019-07-16 3:08 p.m., Fabian Greffrath wrote:

> I have just granted you upload rights, the permissions should be
> updated shortly.

Thank you.

> I know about fonts-sil-*, but let's please do them one by one. I don't
> believe that I can grant you upload rights for a wildcarded list of
> packages.

Ah, I mistakenly thought you could specify all the fonts-sil packages in
one go, and that way I would not have to trouble you for each package.
Doing it one by one works very well for me.

>> will my name appear on [1]? If so, that way I can see when permission
> I think so, yes.

Yes, my name has appeared there for the awami package.

> I would go for 1.204-2. The source part of the package is already
> present in the archive due to the -1 upload and now it just needs a
> trigger to build the -2 revision.

Okay. Can you grant me permission for fonts-sil-annapurna and I will try
to resolve that issue?

> There were some news about this on d-devel-announce lately:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2019/07/msg00002.html

I saw that, thank you for the reminder. Part of that message said

>   Q: I already did a binary upload, do I need to do a new (source-only) upload?
>   A: Yes (preferably with other changes, not just a version bump).

I did not know what other changes to make to avoid 'just a version bump'.

Thanks, Bobby

Bobby de Vos

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