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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] First item to the packaging policy: how to name packages?

> Up till now, seems people have generally used the font name instead of
> the language to name the package. However, the decision you maade with
> ttf-lao, and the situation with Dzongkha is similar to ttf-lao (there
> will be more fonts you inted to put in the same package) suggests that
> ttf-dzongkha is most appropriate.

Yes, this is actually what gets my preference, given that I may later
package more fonts in ttf-dzongkha.

The recommendation could actually be using ttf-<language name as of
ISO 639> for packages intended to include several fonts aimed to
display a given language.

When a given language has more than one package covering it, then we
could propose ttf-<language>-font(s)name

To answer Arne's question, I think that changing the name of the
existing package wuld be pretty much a big pain, though probably worth
it in the long term.

So, for the Chinese fonts, that would give ttf-chinese-arphic-foo...

For Arabeyes fonts, something like ttf-arabic-arabeyes, and the

And, yes, meta-packages such as ttf-chinese would be a good idea.

This doesn't cover everything. For instance the Indic script languages
currently have packages named after the script more than the language,
which makes sense for them. So, the proposal of a font naming system
should also include that possibility.

Well, for Dzongkha, I think I'll get stuck with ttf-dzongkha....

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