AW: 2 Internet Links x 1 LAN
Hi there!
> One thing that might be possible would be to specify primary
> and secondary
> routes, and to block the services on the primary routes.
> Consider this:
> Default Gateway: Link B
> Secondary gateway: Link A
> Port 25 blocked on link B, through IPTables, but opened at Link A.
> Would the request try to go through link A, or would it stop
> because It has
> reached Link B and was denied? I don't have the equipment
> setup here, so I can't
> test it out now..
I don't know if it fits your needs exactly, but take a look at Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control ( They'll show you how to do pretty nifty stuff with Linux and its routing capabilitis...
> Regards,
> Breno Moiana
Michael Kaiser
HDI V.a.G.
Informationsverarbeitung Systemtechnik / ZIBP
Riethorst 2
30659 Hannover
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Tel.: +49 (511) 645-3491
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