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Re: LRP scripting

On Mon, Jul 14, 2003 at 10:35:55AM +0100, Shango Oluwa wrote:
> Salute,
> I am now running LRP 2.9.8 with kernel 2.2.19 on my internet router.
> Since I am experimenting with its setup I am scripting, testing, starting, 
> stopping, etc. and I've encountered difficulty when including start-up 
> scripts, because I don't know where to initialize them from. If I use 
> /etc/init.d with a symbolic link in /etc/rc2.d then LRP erases that link 
> during the next boot-up (lrp seems to monitor rc_.d's and resets any 
> changes).
> The firewall seems to be the last service to start-up, is this true? ... or 
> is there another script file or directory that gets read after Seawall 
> (S41seawall)? I am interested in adding a user-script as the very last 
> action before log-in. Any help will be appreciated.
> (Since LRP is Debian-based and in the absence of an official LRP mailing 
> list I decided to post here. If this topic is out of place then I am 
> depending on one of you good brethren to tell me., allright?)
> Shango'uwa.


1) When starting a thread, compose a new message rather than replying
a message with a different subject.

2) I'm pretty sure LRP is off-topic for this list, however...

3) When you make changes to your "live" LRP filesystem, please realize
that these changes are only made to the ram-disk.  In order to have
these changes persist at next boot, you must back up the ram-disk to
the floppy diskette.  This is facilitated through the "lrcfg" menu.
Choose: "lrcfg" (if your system does not boot to the lrcfg menu) ->
"b" (for backup) -> either "e" (for everything except log files) or
"l" (everything including log files).

Hope that helps you out.
David Karlin
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