Re: Preparation of Blends tasks
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 09:05:06PM +0200, Jesús M. Navarro wrote:
> >
> I've been having a look at the Debian Pure Blends general documentation.
Great. ;-)
(Hints / patches are always welcome, but I'll be 5 days offline from now on)
> I found that there was an initial effort for Debian Enterprise back in 2003
> that lost air (humm... that's more or less by the same dates when Bruce
> Perens was pushing his UserLinux project. Are/were those two somehow
> related?).
Perhaps related is too much, but inspired sounds correct.
> If this new push takes moment somebody will need to remember to
> update the pages listing blends*1,2.
Definitely - I just would like to see the outcome of this discussion.
That's why I'm trying to push it a bit: My goal is some reasonable
status at Squeeze release time to use the attention Debian might get at
this point. If we might have some reasonable tasks prepared until then
I promise the docs will be up to date then as well.
> Within Debian Enterprise goals *1 I miss trying to offer a common
> framework/best practices so all the other blends can take advantage of it
> when deployed in a corporate/professional environment. After all, they all
> need, say, authentication/authorization, disaster recovery, file/print
> services, etc. so why not sharing components?
> Regarding sharing components, the documentation*3 states that "...People who
> are interested in working on common issues like building metapackages,
> technical issues of menu systems or how to create CDs for Blends could
> subscribe to this list or read the list archive." but this list is marked
> as "dead list"*4: docs should be updated either with the new list, if it
> exists or stating its dead status (alternatively, the list can be came back
> into live if it regains interest).
The list was renamed to debian-blends (because of constantly misuse of
derivatives and private adaptions). Docs updated accordingly - thanks
for the hint.
Kind regards
> *1
> *2
> *3
> *4
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