Re: Preparation of Blends tasks
Hello all,
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 11:47:53AM +0200, Jesús M. Navarro wrote:
> It seems to me that most of the effort is pointed towards package selection
> and preconfiguration.
> While this is, of course, needed I feel that "enterprise" it's more about
> policies, governance and orchestration among nodes than "local to the
> machine" issues. I think that the Debian Edu team is making very interesting
> things in this regard (see its "architecture" page*1).
> Other structural issues and services currently not declared on your wiki pages
> may be (with some examples):
> * Identity management and directory services (LDAP)
> * Auth management (Kerberos)
> * File services (NFSv4, CIFS)
> * Print services (CUPS)
> * Network (DNS, DHCP, routing/firewalling)
> * Corporate messaging (e-mail, IM, VoIP integration...)
> * Config management (Puppet?)
> * Automatic deployment (PXE, d-i, FAI...)
> * Global control pannel
> * ...
> I think it could be interesting producing documentation in the form of howtos
> and best current practices so even if by hand there is some kind
> of "functional agreement" that can be achieved, basing helping tools and
> configuration decisions upon them.
> Is there any effort planned about this?
I have been working on the debian-edu project and I am planing to
extend and generalize the ideas used there in the future. The basic
idea has been written down here already:
The setup could be used for schools, small enterprises and work
groups at university, depending which tasks are included after the
setup of the common infrastructure. It would be great to join forces
and work together, because there is one big task that should be
solved: The upgradebility of the system. We have this problem in
debian-edu since quite some time, and up to now there does not really
exist a solution. (see <URL:>)
I plan to start with some kind of "debian-edu from scratch", where I
want to setup the debian-edu system manually to learn and understand
better how it works and what modifications are necessary that cannot
be dealt with package preseeding.
Best regards,
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