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Re: Experience with LH7A404 ?

Am 2008-03-08 07:59:54, schrieb Bill Gatliff:
> It isn't an officially-supported architecture, so you'd have to build up 
> the Debian system from scratch for it.  I think it would be a cool job, 
> but maybe a bit ambitious on top of all your other plans.

Right, but curently I am using arm/i386 packages unpack it, delete all
stuff not needed and repack it...  (most is working directly without
intervention of my part from a script I have written)

I want to put an 480x256dor matrix 64color display on my Computer and
have the need for many software which I do not realy like to code my

It is already enough, If I have to read the xsepcs to get an xserver
runing...  I do not find if realy funny to code a xserver, but I need
one so I must code one (but it will only support the absolut minimal
functions of X)

However, I run many software on it and the FULL installation would be
around 400 Debian packages

> Shouldn't be a big deal to get it going.  Sounds like your bootloader 
> knows how to read from CF already?  If that's the case, then you've 
> beaten a big part of the problem already.

I have had to install a little ASM routine into the ROM of the LH7
and now it know HOW to load the BSD image, but it does not work for
Linux maybe the CF-Card IS already working (and I do not know it,
since the bootloader is not working with it...)

> Build up a zImage file, put it on your CF card.  Then use your 

done, it is sitting in the root.

> bootloader to drag the file into memory.  The first instruction is the 
> first four bytes in the file, e.g. wherever you download zImage to, 
> that's where you'll jump to.
> But you have to set r0, r1, r2 to the proper values so Linux knows 
> what's going on when it starts.  R0=0, r1=your machine id (register one 
> at arm.linux.org.uk), r2 is the address of a "ATAGS" structure that 
> tells Linux where your physical memory and root filesystem are.
> Don't worry about the root filesystem yet.  Get the kernel going to the 
> point where it's complaining that it can't find one, then check back 
> here.  Once you get that far, the rest can be pretty easy...
> >Pic:  <http://freenet-homepage.de/michelle.konzack/electronica/files.jpg>
> Sorry, doesn't seem to work.

I had problems with that...  And I have put it here:


Note:  The Image is already outdated because since today
       (Saturday 2007-03-08) I have 3 files and 1020 pages
       more documentation including 800 pages about TINI-OS
       (I need to get "sdcc" running)

And of course, I need to find the section of the bootloader for the ARM
and HOW to code my own one... 

> >but the PCB'S for VIA C7 are very complex to build so I was searchin in
> >the ARM community...  maybe an error but my "bigger" computer should not
> >more consume as 5 Watt (without display) since I have only Li+ Batteries
> >of 3.7V/5A (flatpack of arround 150x50x6mm)
> Hmmm.  5W is quite a bit in the ARM world.  So if the LHA7404 is 
> powerful enough computationally, then you should be ok.

I do not know, whether it is enough... Maybe I should use an ARM11?

And of cources I am working on energy eating electronic...

(In general sensors of any kind...  but I have already found more
modern µChips which are consuming only 2-5% of the old ones...)

> ... or the time to reinstall it?  :)

I know some peoples with problems to install Debian on it, so I have
choosen not to reinstall it and waste my time anywhere...  :-/

> Agreed.  You obviously have some good programming skills, so all the 
> examples should be very helpful.

Oh, I am not THE genious one, but I can say: "It works for me!";  and
since most of my Electronic I build are embedded systems without
Internet connection or something like this, I can say, it is working
"very" secure.

> A bunch of people have made programming i2c pretty darned easy under 
> Linux.  No worries there!  :)

AFAIK, the guy who has written the 1-Wire temperature sensor module has
written in the source, that someone can use this source as template to
code stuff for other 1-Wire modules...  :-)

> You could go that way, but it might be easier to just some GPIO lines 

Right, and in the Datasheets/AppNotes of Maxim there are many examples
how to do it (and even Linux is mentioned)

> and bit-bang it on your own.  But that's a question to answer later--- 
> you need a kernel first!


> >Do not ask me HOW my Appartement looks like...
> >(a submarin is nothing against)
> Kinda like my office!  :)

And we are not alone...  :-)

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    24V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
+49/177/9351947    50, rue de Soultz         MSN LinuxMichi
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