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Re: Managing the ToDo list

On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 23:59:39 +0100
Wookey <wookey@aleph1.co.uk> wrote:

> On 2007-07-16 22:33 +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
> > On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 18:06:39 +0200
> > "Hector Oron" <hector.oron@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Neil Williams wrote:

> > One area that I want to use in a planner is the lists of Emdebian
> > packages that need to be built or updated. A reorderable hierarchy is
> > very useful here - if a dependency needs an update, that package can be
> > shifted higher up through the list so that people know where to target
> > their efforts. Right now, this list exists only in my head - take it
> > from me, it isn't safe to keep it there long term!!
> > 
> > It has proved to be a difficult problem to automate so now I'm looking
> > for a method of recording rather than calculating.
> Ultimately if you think it's a useful tool then use it - no-one is
> going to complain very hard. But the access is a problem. Can it
> import the XML it produces? 

The XML on my site is the actual data file written by planner - only
the HTML has to be exported. Therefore, opening the XML in planner is a
simple case of File|Open.

The exported HTML is kept to a single file so it could be updated by
anyone using planner (or automated if someone writes an XSL stylesheet) and committed to the website in the same way.

> If so then anyone with svn access could
> change things, which is probably good enough. 

Added to SVN.


To be installed to the website at:
(once the website script runs overnight.)

To open it:
>From the SVN location: 
$ planner ./website/trunk/english/emdebian/emdebian.planner
Or from File|Open within planner or with wget etc.

Maybe host the exported HTML at 
http://www.emdebian.org/emdebian/todo.html ?

Initially, the export seems a little strange, you need to choose 
File|Export|HTML but then select the todo.wml file in english/emdebian/ as the target of the export and allow it to be overwritten. The make process copies todo.wml as todo.html without changes (because it doesn't contain any WML markup). This isn't due to planner, it is down to the website build process.

There's not too much redundant information in the exported HTML, it
includes costings that we don't need and one or two other minor things
like that.

I'll add a task to planner to document the process!


Neil Williams

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