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Re: How are the new docs coming along?

+++ Erik Andersen [03-12-02 11:31 -0700]:
> I have also put considerable thought into what it means to be a
> debian embedded system and I plan to post a short writeup with
> some debian-embedded policy ideas at the same time.  Things like
> init runlevel policy, faster boot time policy, dealing with
> documentation (which is generally unwanted when storing things
> into flash), and even dealing with build depends (such that one
> could actually recompile a complete debian embedded system in one
> go without needing a uber guru spending several weeks hacking
> packages to work around circular build depends), etc, etc.  I've
> been writing up a document on the subject that I hope will start
> some interesting discussion.

I think the time has come to post this doc somewhere erik as we're
discussing all this right now in an attempt to formulate a policy.

(And I should congratulate you on doing a fine job in terms of actually
compiling a great pile of stuff into what is effectvely emdebian 0.01)

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