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Re: How are the new docs coming along?

Mostly some random thoughts to get discussion moving....

Debian Embedded -- building

1) Create a minimalist set of packages needed to bootstrap a new system. 
    This will be called the "bootstrap system".  This bootstrap system
    will be cross compiled (if necessary) for the target architecture.

     i) Components will include: 
	kernel-headers, coreutils, findutils, bash, make, diffutils,
	patch, sed, ed, flex, bison, file, gawk, tar, grep, ncurses, 
	zlib, m4, autoconf, automake, libtool, perl, ncurses, zlib, 
	tetex-bin, and glibc or uclibc.

2) Source code for the entire Debian system that will be built must
    be fetched and unpacked, presumably by using 'apt-get source'
    for each package.  The list of packages will initially be obtained
    by extracting the list from the debian "debootstrap" package,
    and merging it with the list of "essential" and "build-essential"
    packages, as described in the Debian Policy Manual, chapter 4.2.

3) Boot into the "bootstrap system" (or chroot into it if possible) so
    you are running entirely within the bootstrap system, and can 
    directly compile and run application code for the target architecture.

4) A script is then run that operates within the facilities of the
    bootstrap system.  
    i) It will first compile and install dpkg.  
    ii) It will then use 'dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -d' to compile 
	and install (using 'dpkg --force-depends -i') each package 
	that is already contained within the bootstrap system 
	(i.e. coreutils, bash, make, etc).

    iii) It will then compile and install each package in the 
	debian-embedded base system.

    iv) This won't work using stock debian source, due to tons
	of circular dependancies.

5) Trying to do all this stuff running nativly on, say, an arm
box is going to take forever.  I _strongly_ recommend the
emdebian project adopt ScratchBox (http://www.scratchbox.org/)
for building systems, since it allows you to cross compile while
your system thinks it is doing a native build.  It is _very_
cool.  I have seen it operation, and it works great. 

Debian Embedded -- policy

1) All packages within the Debian embedded system shall 
    provide any and all documentation in a separate package.
    Contrary to debian policy Chapter 12, debian-embedded
    packages containing binaries shall not place anything 
    within the /usr/share/doc/, /usr/share/man/, and /usr/share/info/
    directories.  All such documentation, if provided at all,
    shall be provided in an entirely separate package.

    Currently many packages depend on obscure documentation
    tools which often results in very complex and/or circular
    build dependancies which prevents packages from building.
    Seperating the documentation packages greatly simplifies
    the build-depends dependancy tree, and makes it feasible
    to build debian from scratch.

2) No documentation-only Debain pacakges shall be compiled initially.
    If built at all, such packages will be compiled later (i.e.
    after all the strange documentation tools that are needed
    have been built).
3) Each package should be built with attention paid to size
    optimization.  Unless there is a good reason to do
    otherwise, most packages should be compiled with the "-Os"
    gcc flag.  Care should be taken to minimize the footprint
    of each package, and eliminate needless junk.

4) Contrary to standard Debian policy 11.8.1, programs that
    can be configured with support for the X Window System
    should _not_ be configured to do.  Instead, a separate
    package should be created for the X11 and non-X packages.
    Similarly, programs that can be built supporting different
    windowing systems, gui toolkits, and scripting languages
    made into separate packages.

5) The init process may not provide support for multiple runlevels.
    The description in Debian Policy Manual, chapter 9.3, is
    therefore modified to consider systems which potentially
    have just 1 runlevel that is used at boot time, systems
    with 2 runlevels (boot and shutdown), and systems with
    N runlevels.  To avoid needing to change many packages,
    systems supporting just 1 runlevel shall use /etc/rc2.d/
    for all init scripts that are to run on bootup.  Systems
    that use 2 runlevel shall use /etc/rc2.d/ for their
    bootup scripts, and shall use /etc/rc6.d/ for the scripts
    that are run when rebooting and/or halting the system.

6) Minimizing system boot time is essential for most embedded 
    systems.   Init scripts shall be run in parallel. 

*) Proper GPG signature verification, package control, etc.

7) Enable/Disable i18n/i10n????

8) To avoid the inertia of a zillion packages worth of
deadweight, rebuilding the world from source (similar to
gentoo) needs to be easy....

9) More stuff....


Erik B. Andersen             http://codepoet-consulting.com/
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