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Re: How are the new docs coming along?

+++ Liberty Young [03-12-02 10:55 -0700]:
> Back in October, you mentioned (see 
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-embedded/2003/debian-embedded-200310/msg00005.html ) 
> that you were going to add some stuff up to the emdebian website, but
> nothing has changed. 

<general guilt for slowness>

I started trying to update stuff but the website was just too horrible with
various frontpagisms, so I spent about 11 hours yesterday wmlizing the
website, updating things and writing down the plan for 'new emdebian'. 

I've stolen the Debian wml scheme from CVS wholesale as it's ideal for use
on sourceforge (I normally do php websites so I've had to grok WML) ( the
Debian multilingual structure is a bit unecessary at this stage is the only
disadvantage). I still need to make the makefiles and build process work,
and disable the multi-lingual stuff then I can put the new site up, but most
of the text and structure is sorted now.

I'll post the new-emdebian page shortly (as I expect the whole-site thing
will take a few more days) so you can all comment on the mechanics as I
think there's a far amount of detail that needs to be sorted out still.

> I was also wondering if you have a list of packages
> that you have deemed "needed". 

The plan suggests "everthing in 'base'" (98 packages, 40-odd maintainers). I
haven't yet looked at that list to see how many really vital things would be
missing, or how much of that we can sidestep by starting with busybox
instead of the corresponding pile of utils. Some analysis of this is needed.

I'll start a new thread for 'the plan'.

Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK  Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679
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