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Re: gnuclient and emacs21?

Rodrigo> Hi there.  I'm trying to run gnuserv with emacs21, but it's
Rodrigo> not working.

Rodrigo> I start "M-x gnuserv-start", and it seems to work ("Loading
Rodrigo> gnuserv-compat...done" on the minibuffer). But when I try
Rodrigo> "gnuclient file" on a different tty (either different screen
Rodrigo> window ou another "real" tty), it exits immediately and I get
Rodrigo> the following on the emacs window:

Rodrigo> error in process filter: Wrong number of arguments:


Rodrigo> And that's it. The error apparently is shown on the video,
Rodrigo> not on the emacs window itself, because it goes away when I
Rodrigo> press any key.

Rodrigo> Does anyone know what's going on? It also doesn't work
Rodrigo> emacs20, but works with xemacs21.

FWIW, I use gnuserv/gnuclient all the time with emacs20 without problems.

I remember that once upon a time there was a conflict between the
gnuserv package and the gnuserv that is built into xemacs.  I solved
that by getting rid of xemacs, as I don't really have a use for it.

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
Hypocrisy, arrogance and manipulation: sure-fire ways to earn hatred.
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