Re: On coordinating translations of debian-edu-doc: some thoughts
Hi Holger,
It looks like we somewhere lost the mailing list (So Cc-ed it again)
Holger Levsen schreef op za 26-10-2019 om 19:55 [+0000]:
> Hi Frans,
> > > would maybe using a different branch for weblate help? (a branch
> > > where not-yet-ready translations could stay...)
> >
> > Probably this could offer a way out.
> > A long-lasting branch "branch-hosted-weblate" (or a much cuter
> > branch
> > name) at salsa, with the not-yet-ready translations included, and
> > that
> > mirrors the master branch at salsa except for the not-yet-ready
> > translations, and that functions as origin for hosted-weblate (this
> > is
> > configurable at the weblate side), would at least bring us back to
> > a
> > situation that can be managed the way I was used to before not-yet-
> > ready translations showed up.
> ok, cool. let's go this route then!(?!)
Yes, let's give it a try.
> for the branch name, what about "weblate"? :)
Ok, weblate is fine for me.
Who should create that branch?
> > With such a setup and with a local copy of salsa and of hosted
> > weblate
> > on my PC, I could merge in individual files and I would be able to
> > solve possible merge conflicts the way I was used to in the past.
> >
> > If we would chose to try out this solution, I woud prefer first to
> > handle things manually for a certain time, in order to get used to
> > the
> > new situation and in order to learn more on possible drawbacks,
> > before
> > moving forward in looking for a procedure that gets things done
> > automatically as much as possible, while avoiding merge conflicts.
> sounds like a plan! I hope it works out! ;)
Not really a plan. Rather a wish to drop as much as possible error
prone manual interventions. We'll have to find out how far we can get
on this. But that is for later.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Frans Spiesschaert
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