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Re: Admin Users - hash problems

[Petter Reinholdtsen]
> If I understand correctly, you are logging into gosa using the 'admin'
> username?  I'm surprised this work, as the admin user have no GOsa
> attributes at all.  Just tested, and I see the same you are seing.
> Hm, perhaps we should add them, to make it possible to change its
> password using GOsa?  Anyone know what is needed to make this
> possible?

I tested, and the only thing needed to make this possible to is change
the password hash for the admin user from {CRYPT} to {SSHA}.  I've
commited the change to svn, and expect it to get included in beta4.

With this change, it is possible to log into GOsa using username
'admin' and change the password of the user from within GOsa.

It is not a GOsa administrator, so it can't do much from within GOsa.
But it make it easier to document how to change the password of the
LDAP admin user. :)
Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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