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Re: Bits from the release team and request for discussion

Dear Oded,

thanks for raising questions:

Am Sunday 02 August 2009 schrieb Oded Naveh:
> - Could we skip Lenny? Why?
> - Can we not skip Lenny? How?

Not even back from parental leave, I am spending my spare time with 
upgrading our school's lab to Lenny (unreleased - ever to be released?).
To be more precise, I am looking for the best way to upgrade 3 years old 
workstations (running sarge-alpha-pre) in a way that can be kept for at 
least another 2 years.

Now, regarding your questions, my situation (an people like Nigel made 
similair requests) is to answer: yes and no! 

Let's try to release Lenny for Workstation + LTSP (etch on Tjener will 
be sufficient for quite a while). Some people might consider to be one 
release ahead using Debian Sid[ux] on workstations, anyway.

I've been feeling quite for a while now, that it could be a good idea to 
separate Services (esp. Tjener) from Desktop (esp. Workstations).

That's my two cent, saysing "Nes" or "Yo".


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