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Please help write the release documentation

Hi.  As we plan to release as soon as the last RC bug is fixed, it is
imporant that the release documentation is up-to-date.  It is
currently drafted on wiki.skolelinux.no, under
<URL:http://wiki.skolelinux.no/DebianEdu/Documentation/Etch>.  This is
the current content.  As you can see, there is still work left for you
and me. :)

Debian-Edu etch 3.0 Codename "Terra"

   This will become the documentation for the Debian-Edu etch 3.0

   This document was put into the debian-edu-doc package on
   $DEBIAN_EDU_DOC_BUILDDATE. (The version at
   http://wiki.skolelinux.no/DebianEdu/Documentation/Etch is a wiki and
   updated frequently.) Translations are only part of the debian-edu-doc
     * Copyright and Authors
     * Translations of this document
     * About Debian-Edu and Skolelinux
     * Architecture
     * Requierements
     * Installation
     * Maintainance
     * Upgrades
     * HowTo - simple step by step Howtos
     * Contribute to Debian-Edu
     * Support - how+where to find help

   Special pages: Index page - All in one page

Copyright and Authors

   This document is written and copyrighted by Holger Levsen 2007 and
   released under the GPL2 or any later version. Enjoy!

   If you add content to it, please only do so if you are the author of
   it and plan to release it under the same conditions! Then add your
   name here and release it under the GPL2 or later version.

   FIXME: Put full text of GPL into Appendix.

Translations of this document

   Translated versions of this document are not yet available, as the
   document itself is very incomplete, even the skeleton is unfinished.

Howto translate this document

   If you want to start translating, you can! Do
   apt-get source debian-edu-doc and in
   debian-edu-doc-$version/documentation/wikibook you find information
   how to create a .po file for your language, and how to update it
   against the source.

   FIXME: describe how to work in svn and give a step by step howto.

Potential problems for translators

   Remark from Holger: I'm curious to learn if distributed translating
   and commiting the .po file into svn works, that is, if svn
   automatically merges correctly.

   Also we will need to write sed-scripts (or something like that) to
   support different images for different translations. Laters :)

   Please report any other showstoppers.


   Welcome to DebianEdu / Skolelinux!


   See http://developer.skolelinux.no/arkitektur/arkitektur.html.en.

   FIXME: Copy
   http://developer.skolelinux.no/arkitektur/arkitektur.html.en over here
   and and mention the source in an extra paragraph or is adding Petter
   to the authors enough?


     * a computer or two
     * harddrive space requirements varies between profiles, but any disk
       with more than 8 GiB will be sufficient. As always, more disk
       space is an advantage.
     * whatnot


Download an installation media for Debian-edu etch rc4

   The multiarch dvd ISO image is 4.4 GiB large. To download it, use
   either of these methods:
     * ftp://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/debian-edu-etch-amd64-i386-
       -powerpc-DVD-rc4.iso rsync

   or for the netinstall cd you can download for i386
     * ftp://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/debian-edu-etch-i386-netins
       st-rc4.iso rsync

   and for amd64
     * ftp://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/debian-edu-etch-amd64-netin
       nst-rc4.iso rsync

   The powerpc port is still under development, and are currently not
   officially a supported part of Debian-Edu. The architecture have been
   reported to work. Its available for download at

   The netinst installation will fetch some packages from the CD and the
   rest from the net. The amount of packages fetched from the net varies
   from profile to profile:
     * Main server: X of X MiB downloaded
     * Main server and Thin client server: 595 of 1059 MiB downloaded.

Installation options

   When you do an Debian-Edu installation you have a few options to
   choose. But don't be afraid, there aren't many. We have done a good
   job hiding the complexity of Debian during the installation and
   beyond. Though, DebianEdu is Debian, if you want there are more than
   15000 packages to choose from and a billion of configuration options.
   But for the majority of our users, our defaults should be fine.
     * normal graphical installation is the default on i386 and amd64.
       The powerpc installer does not support graphical installation.
       Enter FIXME at the bootprompt to do a text-mode install.
     * debian-edu-expert boot option adds the barebone profile to the
       profile options, and switches to manual partitioning. Enter
       "debian-edu-expert" (REALLY/FIXME?) at the syslinux/yaboot prompt
       to enter expert mode.
     * Choose a language (for the installation and the installed system)
     * Choose a time-zone
     * Choose a keyboard keymap (usually the countrys default is fine)
     * Choose a profile, explain those here (FIXME)
          + server
          + workstation
          + terminal server
          + standalone
     * say yes to automatic partioning, it will destroy the data on the
     * say yes to partman
     * wait
     * be happy

Screenshot tour through an i386 main-server installation


   The HowTos from http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/HowTo/ are either
   user- or developer-specific. Let's move the user-specific HowTos over

   Other topics the documentation should cover, not neccessarily in the
   HowTo Chapter though :)

LDAP Setup

/etc/ in svk

modify Kiosk mode



Sound & Video

Thin Clients vs Half-Thick Clients

printer managing

Firewall setup (coyote linux)

LTSP in detail


Updating the software

   document how to use aptitude upgrade / kde-update-notifier

   are cron-apt and apt-listchanges installed and configured?


   document slbackup-php / give pointers


   give pointers to munin doc


Upgrades from Debian-Edu sarge

   FIXME: document known any issues here!

Upgrades from older Debian-Edu / Skolelinux installations

   Upgrades from the woody based Debian-Edu / Skolelinux installation are
   not supported. Upgrade to the sarge based version first, a howto can
   be found at http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/HowTo/UpgradeFrom1.0



   FIXME, for now some basic pointers:
     * http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu
     * http://lists.debian.org/debian-edu
     * #debian-edu on irc.debian.org

Translations wanted


   how to help / translate

   explain how to help debian-edu explain how to help debian / upstream

Join a local debian-edu team

   FIXME: in Norway, Germany, France, Spain (the region of Extremadura).

start a new local debian-edu team

   FIXME: "isolated" contributors and users in schools exist in Greece,
   the Netherlands, Japan and elsewhere. Meet up for beer or coffee and
   form a new Debian Edu local team!


volunteer based support

professional support

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