[Fwd: International Debian-Edu Gathering]
I dont understand why people are sending me private emails that concerns
Maybe they feel that I'm doing to much, and wants me to slow down ?
Or maybe they think that I dont have enough to do ?
Anyway - I'm trying not to be mr Debian-edu, and we've just had a
gathering to prove that I'm not. In fact - I didn't even participate.
I'm no authority in this community, and I dont want to be. IN fact I
guess I'll stop caring, and leave the community, maybe someone else will
start to get these mails.
I think pere has had the same feeling, and knuty, and I guess a bunch of
other people, why cant people start treating us as a group instead of
individuals. When we try to have a public mailinglist, they keep sending
personal emails. When we try to have a private mailinglist, for private
discussions, that otherwise would have been emails between personals,
they fight for the right to poke in and monitor the mailing list. I dont
get it. I think I'll leave you all alone.
Se you later (maybe)
// Finn-Arne
Former PreRelease manager of Debian-edu CD's
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: International Debian-Edu Gathering
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 16:11:37 +0200
From: RalfGesellensetter <Ralf.Gesellensetter@web.de>
To: Finn-Arne Johansen <faj@bzz.no>
Dear Finn-Arne,
I just read your posting on the next gaterhing. So, you might answer me
if there is a central team for scheduling gatherings - and who is that?
Ss the interaction between KDE-Edu, Credativ and Skolelinux.de is
increasingly attracting developers into our project, we consider having
an international developer meeting in Germany.
Steffen Joeris suggested to have it in a school near Cologne in 1st week
of December, but we have to discuss this further on ourselves.
For now, I would be happy if you could only answer me theses questions:
- in what time range are the international gatherings scheduled?
- who is to be addressed for planning / scheduling / inviting?
- what is your personal opinion on this matter?
Personally I think this could be our decision cascade:
1. Is there any interest in holding an int'l meetin at Germany?
2. Is December possible - or else what other date?
3. Start inviting +
4. Confirm place of conference
Thank you for now,
P.S.: Please don't take this as an "official announcement", but as a
curious question of my own.
P.P.S.: I sent a similar mail to Petter some weeks ago - w/o answer (if
I didn't miss it)
Finn-Arne Johansen
faj@bzz.no http://bzz.no/
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