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Re: LTSP and lessdisks

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On 16-06-2005 20:56, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
>>>The short answer is that lessdisks demands a bit more memory than LTSP,
>>>because LTSP uses swap over NFS.
>>If you want swap over NFS then make a Debian kernel package with support
>>for swap over NFS. It is not provided officially in Debian because it is
>>considered too rarely needed for the maintainance burden of an extra
>>kernel with the unofficial patch applied.
> that is a considerable amount of extra work, though.  i used to maintain
> a kernel for lessdisks and dreaded a new kernel release because of the
> extra work that meant (i mostly just didn't update it often enough).
> so i can understand the appeal of just grabbing a kernel from some other
> source. someone could probably build a debian package from the binary LTSP
> kernels that would work with lessdisks- obviously you couldn't build it
> from source that way, but it would reduce some of the workload.

I don't think we disagree, but just to make sure noone misinterprets
this as "Lessdisks *is* more complicated to use than LTSP":

For the local admin it is off course considerable work to build a custom
kernel. But for a distro like Skolelinux it is much less of a burden to
include (and security-maintain!) a custom kernel than an LTSP kernel

 - Jonas

- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 - Enden er nær: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm
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