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Re: announcement list for skolelinux/debian-edu ?

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On 03-03-2005 16:18, Håvard Korsvoll wrote:
>>Ralf Gesel|ensetter wrote:
>>Some people (most active ones) feel obliged to subsribe to both lists -
>> and object to crosspostings. These (however) are multi-subscribers who
>> can cope with mail filters.
>>Other people subscribe to one list, only and are excluded from any
>>message that runs on the other one.

I imagine an announcement as being a summary of important post/thread on
the normal list. But off course this won't stop Knut from cross-posting
same content to all lists :-P

> Would it be possible to auto subscribe all members of debian-edu,
> skolelinux, bruker, i18n-no, etc. lists to the announcement list. Every
> one get a mail about it and a possibillity to unsubscribe. In that mail
> emphasis that this list is very low volume and that only few people can
> post on it.
> Then almost everyone would be subscribed and we could avoid all those
> cross postings about important events.

Auto-subscribing sounds not nice to me. Subscription should be an
opt-in, not an opt-out.

Limiting access to post to the list sounds not nice to me. We as a
community should be given the responsibility to judge for ourselves what
is "announcements" and what is not.


 - Jonas

- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 - Enden er nær: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm
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