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Re: announcement list for skolelinux/debian-edu ?

> Ralf Gesel|ensetter wrote:
> Some people (most active ones) feel obliged to subsribe to both lists -
>  and object to crosspostings. These (however) are multi-subscribers who
>  can cope with mail filters.
> Other people subscribe to one list, only and are excluded from any
> message that runs on the other one.

Would it be possible to auto subscribe all members of debian-edu,
skolelinux, bruker, i18n-no, etc. lists to the announcement list. Every
one get a mail about it and a possibillity to unsubscribe. In that mail
emphasis that this list is very low volume and that only few people can
post on it.
Then almost everyone would be subscribed and we could avoid all those
cross postings about important events.

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