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Re: Req.: experiences with standalone profile

Hi Finn-Arne,

thank you for your thorough report - it has answered (nearly) all my 

Am Freitag, 4. Februar 2005 09:55 schrieb Finn-Arne Johansen:
> Well, you could have done a search on google or gmane for it ?
> I tried to search for "skolelinux standalone laptop" on google, and
> guess what was the first document I found ?

Thank you for pointing to this gorgeous document (I knew it was there) - 
however there is one question still open:

[cited from document]

> Accordingly, there will also be a need to synchronize user files 
> between laptops and the server installation at school, both to have a 
"canonical" place where files are store and to have the assurance of
> backup applying to  files residing on the Skolelinux mainserver
> ('tjener'). 

the way how to syncronise seems very clear. what is not mentioned is: 
user accounts. is each laptop thought to be run by one user only - and 
that will be the one to sync to when connected? Or did I miss the point 
where laptops sync their user data with ldap?

Thank you for explaining.
Regards to Oslo

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