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Re: Req.: experiences with standalone profile

Ralf Gesel|ensetter wrote:
Hi there, on the web pages, standalone profile is said to be devised especially for laptops that are not always connected to tjener. This defines the goals of the profile quite well, but leaves some question to those who didn't find the time to try it out, yet.

Obviously standalone encourages the usage of local accounts. To what extend are the pros of a workstation installation available to standalone installations whenever you connect them to your tjener?

I remember a flaw in manual partitioning with that profile, could anyone, please, report the current state?

All questions refer to both: Venus 1.0r2 and Alpha-Sarge-bzzware.
Venus: Yes we have done that - we added KDE 3.1 from kde.org, and it worked fine.

1.0r1: The installer is broken for a standalone installation. i guess it's possible to work around it, but I have not heard any success stories.

1.0r1+di_rc2: This is basically 1.0r1 with the installer fixed. it should work, and it should be fairly easy to use together with an existing installation or as the only installation on the disk.

Sarge: Should work without problems.

Anyway - you might find this document of interest if you plan to deploy a larger set of standalone laptops:

(Maybe I should start a matrix for it ;)

Thank you - and sorry in case I missed something (until having asked about standalone I never had cared about it)

Well, you could have done a search on google or gmane for it ?
I tried to search for "skolelinux standalone laptop" on google, and guess what was the first document I found ?

Finn-Arne Johansen, faj@bzz.no
tlf: 37254514 / 92640070

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