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Re: some thoughts

pavithran <pavithran.s@gmail.com> wrote:

>2011/9/1 shirish शिरीष <shirishag75@gmail.com>:
><quote> Bad at marketing :- We were really bad at marketing Debian. It
>would have been really nice/cool if we had a team for that. We were so
>short-stretched that we didn’t put any efforts at either selling
>or/and promoting the Debian CD/DVD , any nice blender, synfig
>tutorials and videos and stuff like that. The net result was that
>Praveen was able to sell only a few T-shirts and just 10 odd Debian
>Completely agree , a bit more emphasis on debian goodies would have
>been nice . But all of these needs soem initial investment and efforts
>put towards those things to 'happen'  . Praveen did that for tshirts
>, though there weren't much of a sale for which the reasons could be
>bad marketing /cost / registration with TShirts ( pyconf india
>registration cost is equal to tshirt+ food)  !!

Because it was planned as a developer event. We can't insist all events be marketing oriented. But if there is an interest and a team willing to take responsibility, we can definitely do it. May be we can have a separate team to take care of this at Mangalore. I suggest Pavithran and Shirish to lead this effort. 

But I don't agree to forcing people to buy t shirts and food just to attend the event. We wanted to have aan option for people to specify if they want t shirt and food, but we could not complete the registration app in time for pune event. If there is someone ready to take responsibility we can get it working for Mangalore event. There is already some code written by Abdul Karim, talk to him and make it ready. Same for lunch, if students already have their lunches arranged at their hostels we should not force them to buy it. It can also be made an optional item for registration.

Regarding not being able to catch them on irc, there is a cultural shift that needs to happen and it will take time. Schedule meetings over email and then meet on irc. Also internet access at hostels may not be accessible, especially at night time. 
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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