Re: ChangeLog handling and git wrapper for translators
On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 12:05:37AM -0500, Joe Smith wrote:
> Hmm? Compairing the linux changelog format as seen at
> and the GNU format, I'd say the main difference is that the Linux format is
> a bit more
> verbose by default and the linux format is not as rigid about the location
> of the information about which file(s) changed and which function(s)
> changed.
> It is hard to get a good sense of the type and scopes of changes from the
> linux changelog, although I'm pretty certaint that that is due to the scope
> of Linux, not the changelog format.
FWIW, the decision how to format the body of commit messages (i.e.
whether to include filenames) is somewhat independent from the decision
how to format the header.
And, if using the git log format one of course could easily use some extra
options to include additional information (like --stat).
Frank Lichtenheld <>
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