debian-dpkg Apr 2005 by thread
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Bug#304404: Please allow dpkg-buildpackage -nc -S / building source packages without cleaning Jeroen van Wolffelaar
Bug#31311: Error: Your Capital One Account Tue, 12 Apr 2005 21:17:32 -0800 Gene Heskett
Bug#304610: dpkg does not function under Fedora Core 3, patch provided Axel Liljencrantz
Bug#305061: Documention on what "rc" "ii" and other codes mean J. Grant
Bug#305192: [CONFFILE][TRIVIAL] dpkg allow overwrite files by default Olleg Samoylov
Processed: severity of 305192 is normal Debian Bug Tracking System
Processed: tagging 305192 Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#305318: /usr/sbin/update-alternatives: Suggested improvements to update-alternatives help text Andrew Ferrier
Bug#305619: dpkg: Check MD5SUM of a package's non-config files and query user about replacing changed files. Chris Dos
Processed: severity of 305619 is wishlist Debian Bug Tracking System
Bug#306087: dpkg: French man pages updates Christian Perrier
Bug#306125: Please add a warning about permissions not being preserved in files not present in the .orig.tar.gz Enrico Zini
Misleading string in dpkg Frans Pop
reversely delete Arren
Bug#306474: dpkg-gencontrol: messes with the case of user-defined fields Yann Dirson
dpkg_1.10.25_i386 Eugen Paiuc
Bug#96476: equivocate Jason Walker
Bug#96476: FYI: Secure page follwing Victoria Metcalf
Bug#106224: Confirmation Email: Link Code inside Edward Mosley
Feeling Depressed? Shannon Blue
Bug#306874: dpkg-dev: dpkg-source error message non-ideal when asked to extract directory James Troup
Bug#134758: /usr/bin/dpkg: #134758: 'dpkg -S' and symlinks Rolf Leggewie
[patch] add support for transparent terminals Bernhard Fischer
Bug#55364: Pending Shipment Vance S. Baez, VI
Bug#12667: This is amazing Sat, 30 Apr 2005 05:35:03 -0600 Lora Sheffield
The last update was on 19:18 GMT Mon Feb 17. There are 73 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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