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[Debian-Reference] Updating po translations of Debian Reference - correct work flow?
Bug#547722: bugreport to nginx
Bug#547722: uncomment server_names_hash_bucket_size
Bug#865628: marked as done (iscsitarget: Starting ... FATAL: Module iscsi_trgt not found in /lib/modules/4.9.0-3-amd64)
Bug#865632: [Pkg-iscsi-maintainers] Bug#865628: Please add information about this incompatibility to the installation/upgrading guide
Bug#865632: marked as done (release-notes: document that 'iscsitarget' was dropped in Stretch)
Bug#866179: marked as done ([stretch] old versions of gcc not available)
Bug#867134: marked as done (release-notes: mention OpenSSH UseDNS default change)
Bug#869755: debian refcard: remove auto-apt? (package is not in Stretch)
Bug#874290: refcard: [INTL:nl] Dutch po file for the refcard package
Outreachy project about improving documentation and website content (Re: Sign up to mentor for Outreachy Round 15)
Processed (with 2 errors): bitten by this bug
Processed: bugreport to nginx
Processed: Re: [Pkg-iscsi-maintainers] Bug#865628: Please add information about this incompatibility to the installation/upgrading guide
Processed: Re: Bug#869755: debian refcard: remove auto-apt? (package is not in Stretch)
Processed: Re: Bug#874290: refcard: [INTL:nl] Dutch po file for the refcard package
Processed: uncomment server_names_hash_bucket_size
The last update was on 07:46 GMT Mon Jun 17. There are 25 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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