Re: [Debian-Reference] Updating po translations of Debian Reference - correct work flow?
Beatrice Torracca <> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have a doubt about the proper way to update the translations of the
> Debian Reference.
> I followed the instructions in the README.sources and used
> "make wrap" and "make test" to test my translation (recently Osamu had
> to fix a syntax mistake in my translation and I would prefer to avoid
> giving work to others and check my translation myself)
> It looks though like the "make test" action also updates the po
> files. Every po file, but that is not a problem because I can commit
> only the Italian one.
> My doubt is that in this process I get lots of messages about unused
> Entities. Messages like this one:
> debian-reference.en.xml:17278: parser error : Entity 'freetype' not defined
> <entry><ulink url="&freetype;">FreeType</ulink> 2.0 font rasteriza
> ^
I don't see such messages here when testing your translation. Italian builds
fine and without errors.
Also when looking at your latest commit
everything looks fine. There are no messages deleted from the po files or
the like.
If you still see such messages on your PC, I suspect there might be some
software missing? The toolchain to build such documents is rather ambitious
'apt-get build-dep debian-reference' should install everything that's needed,
or look at
> and it looks to me like (almost) all messages related to entity
> translations in the .po file become commented and unused.
> I don't think this is what is supposed to happen.
> I see there is also a "make entity" target. I am not sure that is
> supposed to be used.
> But mostly I am not sure what is the right .po file for me to
> commit. The one before the make test action or the one I get
> afterwards? I think that once the generation of the translation
> documentation is carried out in the Debian server those entity
> messages will turn out to be needed.
> Right now I committed my last translation after the make wrap / make
> test commands, but if I don't get any comment I will revert that
> commit.
No need for such reverting.
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