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Re: What about a Debian Instalation Quick Guide

On Wed, Jan 15, 2003 at 01:12:00PM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 08:51:19PM -0700, Chris Tillman wrote:
> > OTOH, then you get into the problem of pointing people to information
> > that hasn't been tested, may conflict with our information, yadi yadi.
> True, but as long as we delineate the stuff of questionable quality
> properly, it should work well. I've noticed that sometimes, when users can't
> seem to find their way through one document, they give up trying and instead
> look for alternatives. I sometimes catch myself doing this. If we provide
> them with alternatives right there, they'll be happier, and if we nudge them
> towards proper alternatives, the benefit is even larger.

Good point!

'Quick-start alternatives'

This would also make it a very visible collecting spot so people
would be encouraged to let us know about their own crib notes'
locations on the web.

"The way the Romans made sure their bridges worked is what 
we should do with software engineers. They put the designer 
under the bridge, and then they marched over it." 
-- Lawrence Bernstein, Discover, Feb 2003

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