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Re: Release Notes Debian 3.0

>>>>> "R" == Rob Bradford <rob@debianplanet.org> writes:

 R> We have to install at least debconf as when you come to upgrade some
 R> later packages like the X ones you need debconf.

 R> Apt and dpkg are upgraded for good measure.

 R> How are we going to solve this? You shouldn't need statically compiled
 R> versions if you are running potato.

I did upgrade from potato -- with the desastrous results I mentioned.

 R> I'd hate to have to suggest this horrid solution.

Why is it horrid? To my opinion, it's an easy and clean solution to
avoid dependency problems. Of course, ist schould be authomatically
replaced by the correct versions during the dist-upgrade!

>>>>> "J" == Josip Rodin <joy@cibalia.gkvk.hr> writes:

 J> On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 05:12:01PM +0100, Rob Bradford wrote:
 >> > I did this and as a consequence, lots packages have been
 >> > removed.

 J> This shouldn't have happened. Can you produce a full list of packages that
 J> were removed?

excerpt from the script output:

The following packages will be REMOVED:
  abbrowser amor ark console-apt cpp-doc data-dumper eyesapplet fvwm-common
  gcc-doc gpc kab kabalone karm kasteroids katomic kbear kblackbox kcalc
  kcharselect kchart kcpuload kcron kdebase kdebase-crypto kdebase-libs
  kdelibs-dev kdelibs3 kdelibs3-crypto kdepasswd kdf kdict kdm kedit keuklid
  keystone kfind kfloppy kformula kfract kghostview khexedit kiconedit
  killustrator kit kivio kjots kjumpingcube kleandisk klpq kmahjongg kmail
  kmines kmoon knode knotes kodo koffice-libs konqueror konquest konsole
  korganizer korn koshell kpackage kpaint kpat kpixmap2bitmap kpl kpm kpoker
  kppp kpresenter kreversi ksame kscreensaver kshisen ksirc ksirtet ksmiletris
  ksnake ksnapshot ksokoban kspaceduel kspread ksysctrl ksysv ktalkd kteatime
  ktelnet2 ktimemon ktron ktuberling kugar kuser kview kword kworldwatch
  libkmid-dev libkonq3 libmng-dev libpgperl libqt-dev librpm1 lilo-config
  lskat perl-5.005 pixie postgresql-contrib postgresql-pl quanta secpolicy
  tk8.2-dev xbase-clients xcontrib xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-base
  xfonts-cyrillic xfonts-intl-european xfonts-scalable xlib6g-dev xpm4g
  xpm4g-dev xsm


As you can see, among others the whole KDE and some of X have been

I can send you the whole output (about 883k) if that helps you clarify
what happened.

 >> > - Is it really necessary to upgrade those packages before doing the
 >> >   dist-upgrade?
 >> Apt and dpkg are upgraded for good measure.

 J> Actually there's more than just superstition there, they're upgraded because
 J> the new versions fixed various bugs that could impede the upgrade.

So again: Isn't it easier to install statically linked versions to get
rid of such unexpected side effects??

OK, in the next time, I'll have to upgrade another box running
potato. If nobody warns me heavily ("Your HD will be low level
formatted..." :-) I will try that.


Hubert Palme                    Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal
                                      Computing  Center
                                      D-42097 Wuppertal
E-Mail: palme@uni-wuppertal.de             (Germany)

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