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Re: Bug#144456: ITP: qref -- debian quick reference.

Javier Fern?ndez-Sanguino Pe?a (jfs@computer.org) wrote:
> 	Well. I do have ideas, have not expressed them in public.
> Here we go (out of my head):
> - all documentation that is Debian specific should be in the DDP CVS
> (that is reasonable, there is currently one exception: installation
> manual, but seems like a reasonable exception to me)
> - documentation packages should *not* include the documentation, they
> should just do a "cvs co" from the DDP CVS (see harden-doc for example,
> or the java-common package)

I don't agree here.  In the .deb we probably only provide HTML, PDF and
palin text.  Users need the source to generate other formats.

> - (if the layout for languages in the DDP CVS is homogeneus -sp?- this
> can easily be done) each documentation package creates one package for
> every language that the documentation is available in. 
> - the packages publishes the documentation using standard doc-base/dhelp 
> stuff

Please, only support doc-base.  dhelp should learn to use doc-base.

> - documentation is always available under /usr/share/doc/package_name
> /usr/share/doc/package_name-XX (XX is the iso reference for a given
> language) contains a symlink to the documentation there. Translations
> (I assume English is *always* the reference language, per policy)
> are under /usr/share/doc/package_name/XX

I don't see why English should be treated different than any other language
or locale.  Hence, for _each_ locale there will be symlink to the appropriate
directory.  Also, you need XX_YY to handle all currently supported locales,
e.g. pt_PT and pt_BR.

Ardo van Rangelrooij
home email: ardo@debian.org
home page:  http://people.debian.org/~ardo
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