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Re: Bug#144456: ITP: qref -- debian quick reference.

On Sat, May 04, 2002 at 10:16:32PM +0200, Javier Fern?ndez-Sanguino Pe?a wrote:
> 	Well. I do have ideas, have not expressed them in public.
> Here we go (out of my head):
> - all documentation that is Debian specific should be in the DDP CVS
> (that is reasonable, there is currently one exception: installation
> manual, but seems like a reasonable exception to me)
> - documentation packages should *not* include the documentation, they
> should just do a "cvs co" from the DDP CVS (see harden-doc for example,
> or the java-common package)
> - (if the layout for languages in the DDP CVS is homogeneus -sp?- this
> can easily be done) each documentation package creates one package for
> every language that the documentation is available in. 
> - the packages publishes the documentation using standard doc-base/dhelp 
> stuff
> - documentation is always available under /usr/share/doc/package_name
> /usr/share/doc/package_name-XX (XX is the iso reference for a given
> language) contains a symlink to the documentation there. Translations
> (I assume English is *always* the reference language, per policy)
> are under /usr/share/doc/package_name/XX
> Now, there is also an interested (but unused) idea in the doc-debian-fr
> package which makes /usr/share/doc/package_name/XX a symlink to
> /usr/share/doc/LANG/XX/package_name
> This could be useful if packages provided *all* the translations to be
> able to remove unuseful translated documentation (similar to cleaning the
> locale with localepurge). *But* at the same time provides an easy way for
> users to find translated documentation (since everything under
> /usr/share/doc/LANG/es/ is, for example, in spanish).
> These layout could be used, not only by Debian's documentation but also by
> other packages which include documentation which might be translated (for
> example, if apache-doc or postgresql-doc did so which IIRC is not the
> case).
> The layout under the directory is IMHO simple: text files in the
> same directory, HTML under a subdirectory name 'html'. HTML files should
> not be provided as tar.gz's to be able to browse with dwww. If
> documentation is provided in other formats for easy printout (ps, pdf or a
> single HTML file) they should be provided in another package (this files
> tend to double the package's size....): package_name-XX-printout (??)
> Uff.. (done)
> Well, those are only some ideas out of the top of my head (no more time
> now since I have an appointment in 5')
> 	Regards
> 	Javi

I like those ideas. And I think the most important thing is to get some
sort of i18n system in place, whether perfect or not.

For my .02 worth: It always seems better to me, to make a separate
directory named for the lang itself rather than a separate directory
with the lang appended with a - or something. If we were to stick with
that convention, it would be quite easy to extract all of one
languages' documentation in the end, plus users would come to know what
to expect. I didn't see anything relevant in the FHS - should there be?
(cc'ing to quinlan@pathname.com) Aside from documentation, as our 
operating system itself becomes more i18n'd, a standard becomes more 

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