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Re: Help with German Documentation

On Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 12:53:17PM +0100, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Rodger Etz-Brown wrote:
> > >Read the whole text, make corrections, mail a patch.
> > >start writing a new chapter (first make a nice note per email) und
> > >mail the chapter.
> > 
> > >At 14-16.02.2000 I send the german Text (the .tex-file) to linuxland.
> > Aeehhmmm, that is...aeh?....middle of next week? Not much time at all! Will 
> > try my best ;-)
> >...
> If you need help: I can correct and/or translate something this weekend.

I have translate all (in bad german). 

You can read the book, make a technical diffs. (changes slink/potato)

Or you write new parts:
a TODO-list:
	- automounter, mtools, access to cdrom/disk/zip/.. 
	- explain the process with a broken fsck at boot-time
	- ISDN: isdnconfig...
	- special Debian: apacheconfig, ...
	- emacs
	- ...

please write in german or in german and in english. We don't have

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
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