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Debian FAQ question/error


I'm writing a document describing the boot methods for the severals distributions.
I've different informations, please help me:

In the Debian FAQ last version (http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/debian-faq-12.html#ss12.5) it is written "The configuration file for
init (which is /etc/inittab) specifies that the first script to be executed should be /etc/init.d/rcS".

A older version of this FAQ (aug-96, see tell: "The configuration file for
init (which is /etc/inittab) specifies that the first script to be executed should be /etc/init.d/boot"

In another (paper) document, I read it is the file "/etc/rc.d/rc.S".

Then, 3 documents, with 3 filenames and 3 directories.

Could you help me to:
- choose the right versions
- tell me more: from which Debian version it has changed
- is /etc/init.d/boot the old name of rcS ?

Thx for your help.

Congratulation for your work.

Vincent Vangoethem.

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