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Re: Making translated doc accesible

On Mon, May 10, 1999 at 03:21:54AM -0400, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> As I said above, we should just gradually move documents over into a
> new web dir area

What I meant is that we could do this:

  - do one big $(MAKE) in the CVS tree, and export everything to the web
    pages. Pros: it is an one-liner. Cons: it wastes space and bandwidth
    for inappropriate stuff (lets call them big-bad-six :)

  - create a small script in which we could run the $(MAKE) just on those
    five 'good' directories and drop out the big-bad-six. Pros: it does
    exactly what we need now. Cons: someone has to write and maintain the
    script :)

I still think that we should first fix what we can in our DDP CVS tree
(i.e. actually prepare those from the five candidates that are still
rough around the edges. And possibly try to work something out with the
big-bad-six bunch).

Although it can be done right now if you think it is urgently needed...

The first solution's one-liner is somewhere in the Lists-Archives/,
something like 'make install PUBLISHDIR=/org/www.debian.org/doc'.

And the script would go something like this:


GOODDOCS=developers-reference blah blah blah

cd <wherever the tree is... I think ~elphick/ddp/manuals.sgml>
for i in $GOODDOCS ; do
  cd $i ; <the one-liner from the first solution>

I guess it could be run from webmaster's crontab.

I think that's about it. It actually seems easy now.

enJoy -*/\*- http://jagor.srce.hr/~jrodin/

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